Sunday 2 October 2011


Q1) What is your age?
16 - 11
17 - 3
18 - 0
18 + - 0

Q2) Are you in a relationship?
Yes - 7
No - 7

Q3) how many times a month do you socialise out of college?
2-3 - 0
3-5 - 0
5-7 - 0
7-10 - 1
10+ - 13

Q4) What is your favourite type of music tatse? (some answered more than one choice)
Pop - 7
Indie - 4
R+B - 3
Dubstep - 2

Q5) What is most important to you?
Friends - 1
Success - 0
Respect - 1
All - 12

Q6) What is the gender of the participant?
Male - 3
Female - 11

Q7) Are you a creative person?
Yes - 9
No - 5

Q8) Are you most likely to buy music from a shop or dowload online?
Shop - 0
Online - 14

Q9) Would you say you had a large group of friends or a small group?
Large - 12
Small - 3

Q10) Would you rather spend time with your family or friends?
Family - 2
Friends - 11
Both - 1

Q11) What do your parents do for a living?
Retail Worker - 2
Office Worker - 1
Unemployed - 1
Florist - 1
Meter Reader - 1
Shop Owner - 2
Hairdresser - 1
Mechanic - 1
Police - 3
Teacher - 3
Travel Agent - 1
Steel Worker - 1
Social Worker - 1
Quantity Surveyor - 1
Newspapers Manager - 1

Q12) Which of the following would you think is the most value to you in a college magazine?
University Advice - 7
Subject Information - 2
College Advice - 5
Enrichment Opportunities - 0

Q13) Do you have a RAT card?
Yes - 10
No - 4

Q14) Which social network site do you use? (some answered more than one choice)
Facebook - 14
Myspace - 0
Bebo - 0
Twitter - 2
Formspring - 1

Q15) What type of house do you live in?
Semi Detached - 7
Attached - 4
Detached - 3

Q16) What social group do you fit into?
Indie - 0
Punk - 0
Chav - 0
Emo - 0
Other - 1
Not part of a social group - 13

Q17) Are you most likely to buy clothes online or in a shop?
Shop - 7
Online - 0
Both - 7

Q18) Would you say you are a confident or shy person?
Shy - 3
Confident - 11

Q19) Do you tend to follow the crowd or are you independant?
Follow the crowd - 0
Independant - 4
Both - 10

1 comment:

  1. An excellent selection of questions with some very useful results picked out. For extra marks, try to explain why you chose some questions in relation to the different theories e.g. uses and gratifications and models e.g. social grades.
