Thursday 20 October 2011

College Magazine Evaluation

As this College Magazine was to help up prepare for making our music magazine I think that I have learnt many new skills. My knowledge of camera angles and shots has inproved so I know now how to make my photography better due to when I create my Music Magazine. I feel that the photos we took were okay but I feel that they could have been better. One issue Will and myself had with taking the photos is that we couldn't really find an easy place to put the camera onto self time as we both felt we needed to be in the image so it was difficult to find a good place to rest the camera.

My coomputer skills on Photoshop and InDesign have increased greatly. Photoshop I used to find very difficult and really confusing to use but now I seem to have got the hang of it and know the various tools you need to be using for you to edit your images. The difficult and fustrating thing I used to find I couldnt do well was take a background out of an image and leave it looking neat and tidy. I now feel that I know how to do this a lot better than I could.

I don't feel that my front cover is as good as it could have been. Looking at some of the features I feel I could have put more features into it to make it better. I feel that the images let down the magazine cover e.g. the way that when the background was taken out has left the edges slightly fuzzy and jagged on the edges. I thin that I could have put a background behind the image of Will and I to make it stand out more. I thought by leaving it black would make it look more neat and tidy around the egdes but it still doesnt meet up to what I would like it to have looked like, even with a plain background.

I chose to include things such as fashion and festival information as it is what interests students. I think that if a college magazine was all about college not many people would be interested in it so I thought if I included things that would interest students it may appeal to them more.

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