Thursday 20 October 2011

College Magazine Evaluation

As this College Magazine was to help up prepare for making our music magazine I think that I have learnt many new skills. My knowledge of camera angles and shots has inproved so I know now how to make my photography better due to when I create my Music Magazine. I feel that the photos we took were okay but I feel that they could have been better. One issue Will and myself had with taking the photos is that we couldn't really find an easy place to put the camera onto self time as we both felt we needed to be in the image so it was difficult to find a good place to rest the camera.

My coomputer skills on Photoshop and InDesign have increased greatly. Photoshop I used to find very difficult and really confusing to use but now I seem to have got the hang of it and know the various tools you need to be using for you to edit your images. The difficult and fustrating thing I used to find I couldnt do well was take a background out of an image and leave it looking neat and tidy. I now feel that I know how to do this a lot better than I could.

I don't feel that my front cover is as good as it could have been. Looking at some of the features I feel I could have put more features into it to make it better. I feel that the images let down the magazine cover e.g. the way that when the background was taken out has left the edges slightly fuzzy and jagged on the edges. I thin that I could have put a background behind the image of Will and I to make it stand out more. I thought by leaving it black would make it look more neat and tidy around the egdes but it still doesnt meet up to what I would like it to have looked like, even with a plain background.

I chose to include things such as fashion and festival information as it is what interests students. I think that if a college magazine was all about college not many people would be interested in it so I thought if I included things that would interest students it may appeal to them more.

Tuesday 18 October 2011


Magazine Conventions

6B - Magazine Conventions Students)

Professional Photography Images

6A - Professional Photography Students)

Tuesday 4 October 2011

Exploring College Magazine Ideas!

Name of Magazine Ideas:
•Get Educated!
•The Informer
•The Intellectual

Overall Design:
My overall design for my magazine will be an easy and simple look. It will also have a sophisticated look to it. The front image will be a serious image so that it looks smart. Here is an example of what I think a good front cover for a College magazine looks like.

·Activities to do over summer
·Summer/Autumn Fashion
·University Advice

Colour Schemes:
I will use around to 3 - 4 colours on the magazine so the magazine doesnt look to crazy. I will use colours that are attractive and eye catching. I will make sure the colours flow with one another and don't clash!

Sunday 2 October 2011

Magazine Deconstruction!

The genre I have chosen for a music magazine is Pop Music (Pop Princesses). This music magazines main feautre is Beyonce. The music magzine does state that inside it has articles on Christina Aguilera and Lady GaGa but the main focus is Beyonce. The shot of Beyonce is a Medium Close Up. This is so you can focus on her features and the clothes she is wearing - 'Listen UP! Fashions New Beat'... Fashions New Beat sounds like it is a mixture between fashion and the music industry. Music and Style combined. When it comes to the beautiful girl celebrity pop singers fashion is a main focus as well as their voices and their audiences also as they do idolise certain celebritites over their fashion choices. Here, Beyonce is giving a direct mode of address to her audience and is showing herself to her full potential. She is placed in the middle as it draws to your eyes instantly and you know that Beyonce will be a main feautre of the music magazine.


Q1) What is your age?
16 - 11
17 - 3
18 - 0
18 + - 0

Q2) Are you in a relationship?
Yes - 7
No - 7

Q3) how many times a month do you socialise out of college?
2-3 - 0
3-5 - 0
5-7 - 0
7-10 - 1
10+ - 13

Q4) What is your favourite type of music tatse? (some answered more than one choice)
Pop - 7
Indie - 4
R+B - 3
Dubstep - 2

Q5) What is most important to you?
Friends - 1
Success - 0
Respect - 1
All - 12

Q6) What is the gender of the participant?
Male - 3
Female - 11

Q7) Are you a creative person?
Yes - 9
No - 5

Q8) Are you most likely to buy music from a shop or dowload online?
Shop - 0
Online - 14

Q9) Would you say you had a large group of friends or a small group?
Large - 12
Small - 3

Q10) Would you rather spend time with your family or friends?
Family - 2
Friends - 11
Both - 1

Q11) What do your parents do for a living?
Retail Worker - 2
Office Worker - 1
Unemployed - 1
Florist - 1
Meter Reader - 1
Shop Owner - 2
Hairdresser - 1
Mechanic - 1
Police - 3
Teacher - 3
Travel Agent - 1
Steel Worker - 1
Social Worker - 1
Quantity Surveyor - 1
Newspapers Manager - 1

Q12) Which of the following would you think is the most value to you in a college magazine?
University Advice - 7
Subject Information - 2
College Advice - 5
Enrichment Opportunities - 0

Q13) Do you have a RAT card?
Yes - 10
No - 4

Q14) Which social network site do you use? (some answered more than one choice)
Facebook - 14
Myspace - 0
Bebo - 0
Twitter - 2
Formspring - 1

Q15) What type of house do you live in?
Semi Detached - 7
Attached - 4
Detached - 3

Q16) What social group do you fit into?
Indie - 0
Punk - 0
Chav - 0
Emo - 0
Other - 1
Not part of a social group - 13

Q17) Are you most likely to buy clothes online or in a shop?
Shop - 7
Online - 0
Both - 7

Q18) Would you say you are a confident or shy person?
Shy - 3
Confident - 11

Q19) Do you tend to follow the crowd or are you independant?
Follow the crowd - 0
Independant - 4
Both - 10

Deconstruction of an Album Cover

This is Jessie J's album cover. The image shows direct mode of address to the audience. The eye contact that Jessie gives draws us in to her album cover. The mise en scene shows us a white background which makes us also draw attention to the star and the main colour is black. The colours on Jessie are all connected to one another. The black nails, hair and clothes all link together. The album title 'Jessie J' is in gold which is a very strong colour and makes it stand out a lot more. Also, as the font it gold she has a gold design on her black lips which also shows links to the photo and writing. The contrasts in the colours brings out her main features and beauty. Her thick, bold hair stops just above her eyes and as her eyes are blue they stand out a lot more. Her eyes give a feel of mystery. The way her hands are postioned at the side of her head bringing out the shape of her facial feautres. Her sense of style and colour shows she is an individual celebrity as you wouldn't see many celebrities with such bold lips with drawn designs on. Jessie J is also known for her fabulous artistic lip decorations.

Friday 23 September 2011

Thursday 15 September 2011

Class Survey on Genres

In class we were asked a serious of questions about music magazines and different types of genres. We discovered that within in the class the music that was most popular was Indie and Pop music. We also found out that the most popular scenes and social groups currently are:
Indie, Chavs, Pop Princesses, Emo's etc. You can tell social groups and genres apart by the way they act, the clothes they wear, their interests and there attitude. 

Friday 9 September 2011

Welcome to my first media coursework blog. Over the course of this blog I will be showing and building ideas  for my music magazine. I usually listen to variety of music, this differs from things like chart music, pop, indie etc. However I do enjoy listening to older music and usually turns out to be the better of the genres of music. My choice of magazine to study would be a magazine related to Fashion or the Celebrity lifestyle and gossip. By reading these types of magazines I find out new things weekly like what is happening in the life of the celebrities and also find out fashion tips and trends for the seasons. Even though I do enjoy listening to music I wouldn't find myself going to the shop and buying a music magazine. Music magazines seem to stick to one genre of music and I would rather read about my genres of music. The music magazine I have chosen is Q which is a magazine for many music lovers and they focus on all different types and styles of music from Katy B to Kasabian. Q is a very popular magazine and is just as popular as music magazines like Kerrang! and others. They create the magazines for different purposes and focus on different bands but are still just as popular as each other. Q is more of a journal styled magazine.