Wednesday 4 January 2012

Font Planning/Steps for Music Magazine

As my music magazine is all about girl pop, I wanted quite a feminime name for my magazine. I also wanted to include the word girl to make it a lot clearer also. I was quite keen on the idea of creating an unual name for a magazine. I then wrote down a few words such as Love, Graceful, Amazing etc but I then put them in into a translator to see what they would look like if I changed to language style. I tried Love in french which I thought looked attractive for a girlie magazine.
I then typed in graceful to the translator. I did this as I wasnt so sure on the Amour title as I would be adding girl to the end of it 'Amour Girl' did quite sound catchy enough to me but I did like the sound of 'Graceful Girl' which then was translated to 'Graciuex Girl'...

When I had decided that I liked 'Graciuex Girl' I chose the best type of font I liked the words in. My decision was the top option.

I liked this as it is big and bold and stands out to the audience if it was to be placed on shelf in a store.

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