Tuesday 3 January 2012

Examples of Photography for my Music Magazine

- I liked the idea of using this photo for a double page spread as I thought of the idea of creating the text to go around the figure. I thought that it would look good if the image was placed to one side of the page and the writing gradually got nearer to the image. When taking the image, as it is a close up shot, I made sure that the backgroud would be simple and easy to take out once put into photoshop. I just used a plain sheet which would make it much easier than a complicated/patterend background.

- This is the image I decided to use for the contents page. The way my cousin is positined in the photo is good as it is portrait and on a contents page the numbers/information all flows down once side of the page. This image fit perfectly allowing me the room for the information to go down the left hand side of the single page. I also used a plain background to make it quicker and easier when coming to desing the page. Also, this image gave me the idea to make the contents colour theme green as it fits with the small amount of colour you can see on the shorts worn.

- In some images I used props to make the photo's more realistic. I never actually used this in production as the background kept messing the image itself up when I tried to edit it. I then resorted to using more of a simple image.
- I liked this image as I really liked the camera angle. I love the way it looks as though she is towering over things and makes the image look a lot stronger. The only negative thing about the image is that the feet are not in the image otherwise it would have made a really good front cover image or contents image.

- I liked this image as it is a close up shot and is good for a contents page. It gives the auidence a mode of address.

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